Here in the central Sierras which run north to south the mountain range is crossed by roads that run west to east. Each of these roads are mostly known by the name of the pass that marks their highest elevation. Most people in Northern California have their favorites and will quickly tell you their favorite lakes, camping places and towns along each pass. Here at Mountain Home Gifts we created these elevation signs so you can have something in your cabin or mountain home to remind you of the beauty of your favorite mountain pass. We have these signs made for us with a 6×16 inch metal sign mounted on weathered wood. The completed sign measures 7×17 inches and is 3/4 inch wide. We designed the metal sign in green with white lettering similar to the actual Caltrans highway signs.
Mountain Home Elevation Sign, Sierra Mountain Passes
A Mountain Home Exclusive, these Mountain Pass Elevation signs are 7×17 inches.